- Silicon Image Pseudo Processor Device Driver For Mac
- Silicon Image Pseudo Processor Device Driver For Macbook Pro
Kapone wrote: I can attest. I have the same card. I have 10 drives connected via port multipliers to 2 of the ports, works great. I also have set the card BIOS to BASE mode, and installed the BASE driver (not the RAID ones) how do you do this?
Also which driver did u used? BASE driver as IDE driver from 3114 folder in driver cd? Thanks Yes, I flash the Sil 3124 card's BIOS to BASE mode and use the BASE 32 bit driver.
With 3124 based host adapters, any 3726 based port multiplier will Work. Addonics sells one, and I believe there are several others available, which may differ cosmetically but all use the same chipset.
You do not need to buy the host adapter from the PM vendor, as long as the HBA and the PMs are based on those standards, they will be compatible. Once, you configure them in BASE mode, WHS (or WindowsXP/2003 for that matter, I have tested with them as well), just sees individual drives. It's the equivalent of having that many SATA ports on your motherboard. However, very few motherboards offer more than 8 ports, this Sil based setup is an excellent way to have a LOT of drives connected to your server, for very little money. I downloaded the latest bios and drivers from Silicon Image.
My card came with 2004 raid bios. So the first thing I did was flash it to the latest non raid bios (b5314.bin) from a floppy boot disk. I copied all the driver files to a floppy. Connected up two sata disks - made sure they were seen in the computer bios and set one as boot. Started the WHS install - no drives seen, 'do you want to install drivers', selected yes and pointed to the floppy. When Windows Server install starts and the 'press F6 for other drivers' comes up - press F6. When asked load the drivers from floppy disk.
The install should (eventually) complete. I have the 3114 based card. A P3 1Ghz with a Asus CUSL (bios 1009) is the test rig. Before installing I falshed the cards bios with the BIO-003114-100-5304. Installing WHS on a SATA disc connected to the 3114 card has been a major pain, and still is.
First I had trouble getting the CUSL board to boot from the DVDs or CDs while the 3114 was present, but at some point it worked. I only had one disk connected to the 3114 while installing on channel 1.
First time, the driver was loaded but WHS could not find any drive. I recopied the driverfiles to the floppy, and restarted the install. 3114x86win32baselogo1205IDE from Silicon Images webpage. This time, WHS found the drive. However, it could not mount my PATA DVD drive, so the setup closed down leaving me on the desktop. In exploerer I could see the DVD drive for some reason and clicking it, the installer came back up for some reason.
Don't ask why. Then it had problems with installing WinFX. A hard reset of the computer took care of this. So finally there. I installed VNC to connect remotely to it with something that I know work and connected my other disks to the SIL3114 card and a PATA to the mobo controller. I testen everything and it worked like a charm. I disconnected the monitor, mouse and keyb.
I then found that the machine will not boot from the 3114, if the usb mouse are not attached to it. Don't ask me why. I believe that all this tributes to the combination of the 3114 and the old mobo, rather than WHS. Dunno if others has better results with a different bios version on the card or drivers? I am having similar issues with the 3512 SATA controller. I downloaded the latest bios from the silicon image website dated 3/2/07 I am using B4383.bin which is the BASE bios for a non-raid installation.
Also using base driver for XP dated 11/19/06. The only one I see on the site for 2003 Server are 64bit drivers. My hardware consists of an Old dual PIII 800, Asus CUVDX4 motherboard, 768MB memory, 3512a PCI SATA controller (none onboard), 500GB Maxtor HD, 400GB Seagate HD.
Tried each connected one at a time with same results. In WHS setup I provide the drivers from floppy, then select my disk to install, it creates system partition then proceeds to format it. At the very end as soon as it starts to copy files I get the following error. Copy files failed: The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted. (error code 0x800703ed) I'm guessing this is just a driver issue I'm having but has anyone managed to get the 3512 version of this chepo controller working?
I've tried all different drivers from CD and website with no luck. I was trying to just use the 500GB so I could test out Drive Extender for the second drive but I kept getting the above errors. I hooked both drives up and worked like magic, not sure why, same drivers and bios. About to give up now, at least for the evening. Got so far, almost done, Installed WinFX, then after the 'Installing Windows Home Server' green bar I get an error Installing Windows Home Server failed: The parameter is incorrect (error code 0x80070057). Hardware: MSI-6368 Motherboard, P3-1000 CPU. I first built my system with a pair of standard ATA drives, and after it was up and running installed a SiL3114 card with 4 SATA ports and 3 SATA drives.

The system performed well. When the CTP version Build was released I attempted a SERVER REINSTALLATION for the upgrade to preserve the data I had already stored. At the installation point where installed drives are shown, only the 2 ATA drives were visible. Installed the 2 SI drivers (3114 Raid Driver V1.5.10.0 from SI website, files si3114r5.inf - Silicon Image SiL 3114 Soft Raid5 Controller - and sippd.inf - Silicon Image's Pseudo Processor Device.
At this stage all drives were visible, so I continued the installation. Some 2 hours later the bad news: 'Installing Windows Home Server failed.
Silicon Image Pseudo Processor Device Driver For Mac
A device attached to the system is not functioning. (error code 0x8007001f)' Subsequently I ran a NEW INSTALLATION with all drives connected. Again only the ATA drives were visible, the drivers were installed as before, and the whole 5 drives again became visible. Installation continued normally, and WHS ran perfectly. HOWEVER, on inspection only the 2 ATA drives were installed! An inspection of Device Manager revealed the dreaded yellow?
On the RAID Controller entry, 'The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28)' and 'To reinstall the drivers for this device click Reinstall Driver' There was no entry at all for the Silicon Image's Pseudo Processor Device (normally under System Devices list) Running the Reinstall Driver process using the same drivers as already loaded gave a perfect result, with both SoftRaid5 and Pseudo Processor listed and shown as working correctly, the 3 SATA drives now also appearing under Device Manager ( although they had to be added using Connector to the actual array). This situation makes it currently impossible to run a REINSTALLATION with this arrangement, so LOSS OF ALL DATA IS INEVITABLE in a rebuild! Does anyone have any ideas on this issue? There are two areas where WHS CTP will ask for the drivers.
Silicon Image Pseudo Processor Device Driver For Macbook Pro
When you get to the Server 2003 portion (2nd time for the drivers) - The bottom of the screen will state Press F6 to load additional drivers (there is a small amout of time to hit F6 so hit it immediately a couple of times). You will need to provide the driver at this point. I used the original drivers that came with the card, however I updated the firmware first. After the install was complete, WHS installed newer drivers as part of windows update.